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Larry and David positioning the 440 Mhz Antenna

Larry and David aligning the 440 Mhz Antenna for proper pointing.

The Antenna is UP!

Larry tinkering with the wires and cables.

Just one final adjustment and...........

Our array is now positioned and ready for use!

The Antennas

Click on the Photos to see larger images.

Click on the Photos to see larger images.

Please Note:

These photos were taken from the main roof of the Discovery Museum. The main roof is approximately 30 feet above the ground.  Larry and David are shown standing on the blower room roof which is several feet above the main roof and the antennas are another 12 feet higher than that.

The Radio and Accessories

Click on the Photos to see larger images.

Click on the Photos to see larger images.

Here is the radio Shack.

From left to right: Television for ATV, ATV Down Converter,  Yaesu 5500 Rotator controller, Computer Monitor, Power Supply for Rotator RS232 interface and TNC, RS232 Interface (top), 50 Watt Power Supply, Kenwood TS2000, Pwr/SWR Meter and the PC.

This equipment was installed at the Discovery Museum on 3/30/2012 in preparation for “Space Day”. “Space Day” is 4/1/2012.   As part of “Space Day”, we plan on demonstrating our ATV, Television Remote Control Steering and APRS Tracking.   Weather permitting, we will launch a tethered High_Altitude balloon carrying the equipment mentioned here.   

If the weather doesn’t cooperate, we’d like to tether the balloon and payload in the Food Court at the museum.